
Most diets do actually work, that is; while you stick to that diet. However, it takes willpower. As soon as the willpower weakens, people give up on their diet.

Unfortunately, once a person starts to diet their body automatically lowers their metabolism. The longer that person stays on the diet the lower their metabolism will get.

After the diet, even when a person starts to eat normal amounts of food, they gain weight.

This continues until they are heavier than they were before they started the diet! Instead of losing weight – they end up heavier than before!


Hypnosis gently changes your mind – Time looks after the rest

What is the difference between a slim person who eats well and loves exercise and a person who is 7 stone overweight and hates exercise?

Their minds and time!

Imagine if the overweight person had their thoughts changed so they ate well and loved to exercise. In one year or so they will be slim.

Imagine if the slim person had their thoughts changed so they ate too much, ate the wrong type of foods and stopped exercising. In one year or less, they will be very overweight.

Once your mind is right, time will get you the result you want.